Before I start
this one - I have to give a huge shout out to my wonderful and dear
friend Brett, who, at the time that I am writing this, is (and possibly
will be) the one and only person reading my blog. If there was anyone
who deserves a massive hug which passes beyond the point of awkwardness,
it is you. xx
began in seeing Tom Ford’s A Single Man, apparently before we even got
there. I facebook’d Matt after i saw the trailer and was like ‘omg we
have to see this!!’ Even better was that it was showing at the Palace
Centro - which is like one of the few Brisbane theatres which shows all
the kinda foreign/art house/alternative films, and is like one of my
favourite places to be. So Matt’s like helz yes! I tell him what day and
time and off we go. So we get to the ticket counter and I just casually
mention something about Colin Firth or something, and Matt’s like
‘wait… whaaa?’ and I’m like ‘..??’ and he’s like ‘what are we seeing
again?’ and I’m like ‘A Single Man? Tom Ford… Colin Firth… yes?’ and
he’s like ‘Ooooohhhhhh. I thought we were seeing A Serious Man’.
And I’m like ‘what the hell is A Serious Man?’ and he’s all just like
‘I have no idea, it looks kinda shitty - but it was Oscar nominated so I
thought that’s why we were seeing it..’.
At this point
the man selling tickets interjects, looks us up and down and says ‘boys,
for u I would definitely suggest A Single Man. You will love it
infinity times more than A Serious Man’. We were both totally sold and
got tickets.
AMAZING!! Beautiful story line aside - when u see a movie by Tom Ford, u
know it’s going to look better than sex. You could freeze frame
literally any second of the movie and put it on your wall if u wanted.
As a visual learner myself, watching this was like being in this
continuous orgasmic state that u never want to end. Obviously, I am
As for the
plot - even though I’m kinda not for the whole teacher/student; like as a
student myself, I could never go there. I know I talk a big game but
deep down, I know it’s sorta wrong. So I was kinda like ehh about that.
But from the teacher’s perspective, like I felt like I could totally in
some way identify with him, imagining myself in his situation. This kid
was so nice, HOT and interested!?! How could you not?! A tree would come
to life and do him if it could. And like it was college so he’d be over
18 so it’s not like it illegal or anything. How quickly we as the
viewer forget about this poor man struggling to come to terms with his
long-time partner suddenly getting killed, in the hopes that we’ll see a
hot sex scene. So then u sit there for the whole movie kinda waiting
for them to get it on - and then of course by the end u feel really bad
cuz he resists temptation, and we’re left there questioning our
apparently appalling morals - ‘would I have actually gone there? How
could I even think he would just rebound with a kid like that?? And then
so ur really glad that he didn’t get with the student cuz u hope deep
down that u would do the same. Well this is what I was feeling anyway.
When George (Colin Firth) goes over to his best friend Charlotte’s house (the fabulously beautiful Julianne Moore) for dinner, and they get drunk and dance in her living room. I love moments like that with ur fag hag. They make life great :)
I also loved the way that, in scenes where George’s depression slipped away a little bit, when he saw beautiful things, the colour would be highly intensified. I found it was a really effective way of communicating those emotions, and such a Tom Fordy way to have done it.
CRY FACTOR : 0 tears
I love your blog, and will watch every movie you've crtiqued. :) xo
ReplyDeleteOh Yolly, i love u! First ever comment on my blog - i'm so happy!!