Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)

Not gonna lie, this comedy definitely changed the way i dressed.

I guess my love affair with The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert began at a very young age. My mum had seen the film when it came out in 1994, and we had the soundtrack at home and she would play it all the time because, lets face it, the music in it is classic and amazing! But u know how after playing a CD over and over for a while, even the best of songs can get a little bit boring - but apparently my 5 year old self didn’t think so in this case. I can still remember my all time favourite CDs at that age were these three kids ones called 1, 2, and 3 respectively, ABBA, the Dr Hook greatest hits (which was easy to find cuz it had a great big yellow heart on the front), and the soundtrack of Priscilla, with the funny man in a green dress. I’m looking back at this now and thinking that this was probably the biggest and most obvious sign of my pending sexuality, at the time though it just seemed fun and right. My mum tells me that my favourite song as a kid was Billy Don’t Be a Hero from the Priscilla CD, which kinda devastates me now cuz the song is so tragically sad, but apparently i would sing and dance along to it on a constant loop for hours.

It actually wasn’t till my final year of high school though that i actually watched the movie! We were doing a unit in English on Australian Film, I saw Priscilla, and LOVED IT!!!!!!!! It was the most bizarre and wonderful experience seeing it for the first time and seeing where all the songs from my childhood actually fit into the story. Most of the other boys in my class though (i went to an all boys school) made jokes and had to be all macho and everything of course, but i was like screw you guys - this is the best thing EVER!

Since then there have been many Priscilla related good times had - movie marathons, sleep overs etc. Just trying to spread the love to everyone.

Oh god there are so many i wouldn’t even know where to start. I guess one would definitely have to be the last scene in the bus when Adam and Benji are dancing to Mamma Mia, OMG SO BEAUTIFUL!! The song is incredible, Guy Pearce is HOT, and Benji is like the cutest kid in the world! When i saw it for the first time i actually wanted him to be my child. I was 16 years old, i wanted a kid, and i wanted it to be Benji.

So that scene, and the other one that i love is when they all go swimming with Bob in the lake or whatever that thing is. I don’t know why but i just find that absolutely gorgeous, esp in that moment where Bernadette’s top goes see-through! Nobody appreciates a good boob like the gays thats for sure.

And those academy award winning costumes! Definitely taught me a whole lot more about how to stretch a dollar at Kmart!

So many fabulous quotes - many of which i love to use in general life situations. Baby bottles of booze; someone with no arms or right foot by the look of things; oh Felicia, where the fuck are we; and i will pretty much only go on a road trip these days if all we are doing is bitching about people, talking about wigs, dresses, bust sizes, penises, drugs, night clubs and bloddy ABBA!

CRY FACTOR : 2 tears

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