Holy crap the train at the start scared the shit out of me!
If i’m going to be honest i’m sorta in two minds about this one. I remember i was in grade 9 when it first came out. I don;t think i’d realised or maybe accepted that i was gay at this point, but i remember really being interested in what happened in the movie. I don’t think i even knew that gay film existed back then, all i’d really seen was Will and Grace on tv. There was a boy in my art class who was pretty camp, and i remember another boy walking past him and coughing ‘brokeback mountain’ as like a sort of pay out. I guess i would have felt more sorry for him if he wasn’t already a massive bitch himself. Fuck them both.
Anyway so brokeback is generally considered the greatest gay themed film of all time. Hugely successful, stellar cast, favourite to win the Oscar but controversially lost to Crash that year i think. Have to say the first time i saw it in 2012 i was sadly underwhelmed. I guess i was expecting this absolutely incredible, heart wrenching, erotic gay cowboy love story, and i think i’d forgotten that it was still mainstream hollywood and thus had to appeal to the masses, not just the horny gay teenagers. Don’t get me wrong it is a fantastic film and incredibly real, just not initially what i was expecting or hoping for! After seeing it a second time about a year later however i definitely was able to see it with a different perspective. I have seen a few more gay themed films now and it actually was refreshing to see a realistic gay relationship for what it was, as opposed to the usual kind of fantastical highly idealised gay relationships that we usually see in films obviously made for gay men to watch and enjoy.
I was actually heart broken the second time i saw it, like a little bit for the starcrossed lovers, but mostly for michelle williams character alma. oh my god like i realy felt for her, and could somehow relate. Like not that that’s ever happened to me personally but i can imagine, like seeing that happening and if that was happening to me i wouldn’t even like i don’t even know what i’d do. I’d probably just cry always like she did. Cuz u’d still be in love with him, and like u’d want to believe so badly that he was in love with u too like he’s been saying but he’s obviously been lying and like not even happy when he’s with you. Shit it’d just be so emotionally draining and upsetting. Like even more so because she could have told people but chances are they probably wouldn’t have believed her, and if they did then he probably would have got the shit kicked out of him and his dick ripped off, which although would enter your mind is still maybe a little bit extreme to wish upon someone.
Anne hathaway’s character though, like u sorta feel for her not knowing and stuff, but like she’s really hot and successful and knows what she’s doing and shit anyway so like i don’t really care.
Jack omg like i love him so much, his romantic scenarios where they live together on a little gay ranch being happy and growing old. Aww like it’s totally the kind of thing i’d dream up and tell someone but which they’d completely shoot down with some bullshit excuse even though IT COULD TOTALLY HAPPEN if anyone could take a chance and be fucking committed.
All in all i did really enjoy this one, and i can see why it’s at number one of all the must see lgbt films lists that u find, can’t say though that it’s at the very top of mine :)
There’s a moment that goes for like 5 seconds in the first part of the film when their on brokeback, and jack is singing at the absolute top of his lungs while ennis accompanies him with a stick on a teapot and then compliments him - it’s very cute :)
Another part that i really randomly liked was when lureen is speaking to ennis on the phone, she says that she was never sure if Brokeback Mountain was a real location: "knowing Jack, it was probably some pretend place, where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring...." The way she says it kinda nostalgic i think was really beautiful. Plus i loved finding out that the bluebirds and whiskey parts of this line are paraphrases from the American folk song "Big Rock Candy Mountain," which describe a mystical paradise from the point of view of a homeless, itinerant hobo.
MOVIE : Pretty good
CRY FACTOR : 0 tears
Also snaps to the clever kitten who came up with this artistic comparison ;)
Yeah i see what u did there!
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