Friday, 21 September 2012

Cabaret (1972)

I love surprises like this one. When i first rented out cabaret it was because i had it on my list of ‘Must See Movie Musicals’ rather than on the LGBT list, so you can imagine my excitement when random unexpected gayness started happening! ‘Omg totally adding this to the gay list and crossing it off!’ i get kinda excited when i can cross something off the list, not gunna  lie.

Subtle gay activity aside though, Cabaret deserves to be on the list i think anyway purely just for being a movie made for gay men to watch and love. I don’t even know where to start with this one, it’s just brilliant, like everything. Liza. Bob Fosse. —need i say more. Literally i’m not even going to, just watch it and u’ll know, and we’ll have this amazing interconnectedness moment of understanding, and we’ll probably feel compelled to virtually hug.



Soooo many! I've tried to screen cap most of them above so u can better imagine what i'm talking about here.
Straight up in the opening scenes there is this wonderful moment where, Joel Grey who plays the emcee is singing the opening number 'Willkommen', and ur sitting there like oh lol he looks kinda funny, and this is a pretty weird song .. very weird - and then it cuts to this woman sitting in the audience with the greatest '... the fuck??' expression on her face that i've ever seen xD it's priceless and just sets off the mood for the entire rest of the film.
Bob Fosse chorie is particularly outstanding in this one i think - i also love watching these kinda older films and seeing classic dance moves he did that u recognise from recent movies that current choreographers have obviously just not come up with themselves. I love his directing as well - it looks real, like it feels like ur watching something that's actually happening. The chorus isn't produced in a studio, the camera picks up random bad angles of the actors, they have wierd voce moments and expressions - i love it :D
I love everything about Sally - i wish i was her.
I love the random drag queen in the cabaret.
I love movie musicals like these where the production numbers are done on the side to reinforce the plot (kinda makes me feel smart cuz it's subtle lol)

My favourite hot gay moment has to be when Brian and Sally are over at Max's house, and the three are dancing intimately together in a wine-induced reverie. It's funny cuz sally has been trying hard to seduce max and we all kinda think she's succeeding, but at the same time wishfully thinking that all the male characters are secretly gay for eachother (as we do in all films.. don't we?) Anyway they're in this kinda group embrace with their faces literally cm away from each other, and the music awkwardly stops playing and they're kinda looking at eachother drunkedly, ...and u all of a sudden realise that everyone has just gotten hard :O and the two guys are looking at eachother, and we're thinking 'omg they're going to have hot gay SEX!!?' it's like the twist that u totally wish would happen in all other films, but possibly still wishfull thinking. That moment where ur like hopefull and there's been all these signs, but it's still kind of unknown?! that shit is hotter than any kind of porn i reckon. And u'll just have to watch the movie urself to find out if the boys really do get it on ;) omg i know right! just do it

HOTTNESS OF CAST : Yay ;) but with a few Om nom nom moments lol
CRY FACTOR : 0 tears

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