Ok, so now I've covered all the movies i saw pre writing of our great list - making Prayers for Bobby the first one i could watch and then cross off afterwards!!! It’s exciting ok.
Ok so first thing i realised about this movie is that it’s been clearly made for television :/ like there’s all these random scenes where it is supposed to then go to an add break and it’s heaps awkward, espesh in this one really emotional scene.. but not complaining, it’s good to see Sigourney’s finally stopped clogging up the big screen.
This was an interesting one to watch, like there was so many times when i was actually aggravated at what i was seeing, and not like in a gay pride defence kind of way, in like a omg there is so so many struggle-of-the-gays-living-in-the-80’s clichés in this and it’s upsetting me, like a movie that’s made for straight people to watch in an attempt to understand how we work and think at it’s basic. Lol ok not really, in fact even though it’s so ‘i don’t understand these feelings i have for boys’, ‘you will get aids and die’, i still really connected with it and loved it. When ur doing a coming out story from scratch in a couple of ours, obviously u have to kinda expect that everything is just going to happen really quickly. “oh gosh i’m gay, family hates me now, i act more girly, must move away, gay clubbing is hot, gay sex is hot, no one understands me, my life is depressing and shit”. It kinda just speeds through all the major issues without really delving too much into anything that u wouldn’t expect - the plot being quite broad and really easy to relate to ... and bobby was super cute :} so tragically easy to sympathize with; and even though i was committed to bobby’s story and invested in his wellbeing, i spent a lot of it not really thinking that we were going to learn anything profound about gay life and times. Again more just a dummies guide for breeders to understanding the gay coming out process. Stereotypes exists for a reason though i guess, for a lot of people it’s real, that shit doesn’t just get made up.
What surprised me though was the second half of this one. It goes along at a pretty standard gay film formula, but then to some extent that ends about half way through and it sorta continues further, and like more story begins to play out and other characters start developing. It was like ‘wow twist! Not expecting :O’. And omg it became actually really emotionally upsetting and like epic and totally not al all what i was expecting when i started. Don’t want to give too much away hey, but i ended up crying a shit load in this one :S
Oh my goodness i think i just absolutely love Bobby’s darling cousin. Every scene that she’s in is brilliant and makes me want to be a better person like she is :D I haven’t got any photos of her above, in fact u may or may not notice i only included screen shots from the first part of the film - i dunno i just really didn’t want to give anything away in this one ;) promise it won’t happen again..
MOVIE : :D!!!
CRY FACTOR : 8 tears
MOVIE : :D!!!
CRY FACTOR : 8 tears
Another favourite moment of mine happened outside of the film viewing experience in fact, during my usual IMDB/Wikipedia stalk of the hottest cast members.
O M actual F G. Ryan Kelly who plays bobby, he hasn’t been in many movies, holy SHIT i found this one photo of him omg like i can’t even put proper sentences together thinking about it. Scrolling through his pics on imdb and totally was not expecting something of this magnitude to appear - seriously i’m pretty sure i jizzed my pants immediately when it came up on my screen. Holy fucking actual fuck :O i’m putting this in like right now. I was going back earlier tonight to find it and saw it and lost my fucking mind. Had to go drink some tea to calm myself. This kind of shit never happens to me over boys or movie stars or anything. If any pic has convinced me that love exists in the world, it's this.
... ...
FUCK ME DEAD i still can't handle this. I have to go